Please support Ian's Fundraising Run !
If we as a club can raise £1000 then Ian Robinson has offered to run 10 times round the BCG (approx 5k) wearing a Beaver or Peacock outfit ! In his own words…
Ben Robinson has finally worn me down. I want to make an offer to the club. I will hire a Beaver/Peacock mascot outfit and run 10 times round the boundary which should roughly equate to my first 5k. The only proviso is that in the course of this we raise £1k for the club through donations or sponsorship that goes straight to the committee to decide the best way to spend it. I will do this before mid July or as soon as a minimum of £1k is pledged. I will pay for the outfit and the St John's Ambulance fees. And in memory of Vic who is in all our hearts every day, I will carry his bat with me if we get to a genuine pledge of £1.5k
Ian Robinson
Please click on the donate button below to give what ever you feel you can to support the club,